Teen Club
Teen Club allows those in 6th-12 th grade a change to receive help. We noticed that a lot of our athletes or those participating in extra curricular activities at school, stopped participating. Thus Teen Club was formed.
The program is two nights a week Monday and Thursday. The students have direct tutorial assistance, 2 computer labs, study hall area, lounge area. Assistance will be available to aid in the completion of college applications, FAFSA-financial assistance aid form, and ACT prep.
New Age Curriculum
Our Goal is to reach students of diverse backgrounds in a seemingly unconventional manner. After five years of implementation into the classroom and the collection and disaggregation of data, we can prove that our tools and teaching strate-gies are effective. Through the creation of music of different genres we can create a fun, engagement filled, exciting learning environment that assist students in the reten-tion of common core skills, improve social interactions with peers, promote teamwork, and create lifelong learners. We will integrate common core skills with all areas of music and video creation.
Your child will work with other students to create a beat, lyrics, and a song that teaches a common core standard and well use those songs to teach other students about the topic. The highest level of education is teaching and we are allowing these stu-dents to teach in their language through the use of music.