Katie Banks, Family Self-Sufficiency Coordinator
How can FSS benefit HABG residents and families?
The FSS program is designed to assist families with achieving self-sufficiency through Housing Assistance Case Management and Supportive Services. The FSS program coordinator serves 50 families within the Housing Authority of Bowling Green to with employment, education, money management, basic life necessities, and homeownership.

Individuals in need of employment can receive assistance though the Family Self Sufficiency Program by working with coordinator to do job search along with Job & Life Skills Training. This training will give you skills through resume writing, properly filling out a job application and practice on mock interviews to develop professionally for employment. Furthermore, the FSS program provides job counseling as well as other workshops to assist with other job opportunities.
In addition, those residents who obtain employment can also benefit from the FSS program’s Escrow Accounts. FSS Escrow Accounts are established when there is an increase in the household which can contribute from an increase in income wages. The increase can benefit from a pay raise with a current job or new employment. If there is an increase in salary, then that will also illustrate an increase in one family’s rent (living in Public Housing). The increase in rent that normally goes into Housing Authority funds will go towards an escrow account (similar to a savings). If a resident was not working and finds a job, there will be an increase in income which will bring an increase with their rent as well (income based apartments). Whatever the increase is in the rent is what the FSS program stores in that family’s escrow each month.
For Example: Participant pays in rent a month: $50.00
Due to increase in salary rent increases: –$250.00
The actual increase is what goes in escrow: $200.00
At the time of your contract completion the Escrow Account can be used for the following:
- College Tuition
- Starting a Small Business
- Down Payment towards purchase of home.

Money Management
You will be able to obtain a free credit report and receive assistance with repairing your credit. This FSS coordinator can also assist you by setting up a budget and teaching you how to manage your money. The FSS coordinator will assist participants with credit repair. Once your credit has improved or you have obtained sufficient credit, then you may qualify for homeownership.
Budgeting is an important part of becoming self-sufficient. There are 6 areas of focus with ways to budget your finances:
- Determine Your Monthly Net Income, Instead of Gross Income (What you bring Home: paycheck)
- Determine Your Bills (Rent, Utilities, Insurance, Car payment, etc.)
- Keep Your Receipts (Document spending)
- Set an Allowance for Self (Fun Money: only a certain amount for the month)
- Set Goals for Your Money (Think about Savings accounts, emergency funds, Credit Repair, etc.)
- Evaluate Quarterly Progress (Illustrates Growth with Finances)

For information on our FSS Program contact Shamere Bolling at 270.467.7156.