Adam Shourds
Rev. Adam E. Shourds
2008 Full Elder
Transferred, Kentucky Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
2007 Full Elder
Ordained, South Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church
2004 Probationary elder
Commissioned, South Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church
1995 Local Pastor
Licensed, South Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church
2014 to present Senior Pastor, Broadway United Methodist Church Bowling Green, KY
- Leads the executive staff team in a dynamic, large-church context, directly oversees worship staff for two campuses, preaches three services weekly, leads teaching team, leads church council, oversees stewardship and leadership development, guides church in spiritual discernment.
- Cultivated innovation strategies: established, Broadway’s online campus and partnered with Housing Authority of Bowling Green to develop non-profits such as Megan’s Mobile Grocery.
- Developed process for “Holy Conversations” related to human sexuality and the United Methodist Church
- Served as cohort leader and program adviser for KAC Residency in Ministry Program
- Recruited and empowered dynamic staff team
2007-2014 Associate Pastor, Broadway United Methodist Church Bowling Green, KY
- 2011-2014 served as Executive Minister, overseeing staff and ministry development
- 2008-2014, served as Greenwood Campus pastor, preaching weekly, establishing new campus, leading pastoral care and connections
- Developed community partnerships including school mentoring, Honduras mission, and leading vision process to establish Foundry Christian Community Center
- Oversaw creating disciple-making system and stewardship-development processes
- Participated in 1.5 million-dollar capital campaign for debt reduction
2003-2007 Campus Minister, Kentucky Wesleyan College
- Guided campus spiritual life, led Christian student organizations, sponsored mission trips, led chapel and served on Student Life team.
- Established leadership development opportunities: student-leadership in organizations, graduate internships, local ministry practicums, summer traveling team.
- 2004-2007 served as district staff, Owensboro District for congregational leadership development
- 2005-2007 served as adjunct faculty, Kentucky Wesleyan College, forming and teaching in Christian Ministries minor
2000-2004 Part-time local pastor, Baker Chapel United Methodist Church
- Preached, led music team, guided spiritual formation
- Oversaw Saturday evening off-site worship service
- Developed ministry team approach
- Appointment served as practicum during seminary
1997-2000 Part-time local pastor, Patronville United Methodist Church
- Served as pastor, preached weekly and led lay teams
- Established a Saturday evening contemporary service
- Developed connections process for guests and new members
- Appointment during college
1994-1997 Part-time local pastor, Chrisney Charge United Methodist Church
- Preached weekly in rotation for three-point charge
- Taught adult bible study and youth confirmation classes
- Appointment during high school and college, began serving just after I turned 18.
2000-2003 Master of Divinity
Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, Louisville KY GPA: 3.96
Honors: Presidential Scholarship, Fielding L. Walker Fellowship for study of United Methodist Itineracy
Relevant Course Work: Church history and theology, Scripture, practical theology, spiritual formation,
New and Old Testament Exegesis, Greek, Hebrew, Pauline theology, Barth and Bonhoeffer, clinical
pastoral education, local church field placement.
1995-1999 Bachelor of Arts, Religion/Philosophy and Modern Languages
Kentucky Wesleyan College, Owensboro, KY GPA: 3.976
Honors: Summa Cum Laude
Relevant Course Work: Old Testament, New Testament, prophets, world Religions, Spanish (the major
emphasis of the Modern Languages degree), an independent study on Christian Fundamentalism, Greek, Hebrew, logic and philosophy.